Jul 29, 2007

Para ustedes que suelen comprar Para Tí, les dejo una calculadora de la "edad real". A mí me da mejor de lo que esperaba:

Your health, lifestyle, and habits have a dramatic affect on your lifespan. We know smoking robs a person of several years of his life, as do many other activities. It is also well documented that stress, sleep habits, and dieting can affect one’s life. A 30 year old man who smokes, is highly stressed, sleeps 5 hours per night, and is overweight could be in equivalent health to a 38 year old man who does not share these conditions. This is called Real Age or Health Age. There are far more conditions that affect age than can be listed here.


  1. A mi tambien me dio barbaro. Que bueno que te levanten la moral de esa manera.

    Pero yo no compro Para Ti... soy mas bien de la escuela de Vosotras.

  2. Yo ya estoy muerto...que siga el baile!


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