Sep 21, 2007

Only in America

La Universidad de Columbia invita al Chavez persa a sus aulas. Se les debería caer la cara de verguenza:

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has his doubts about whether the Holocaust happened. He thinks the Jewish state should be wiped off the map. His regime funnels sophisticated munitions to Shiite militias in Iraq, who use them to kill American soldiers.

Oh, and by the way, his regime also executes homosexuals for the crime of being themselves. Maybe if Columbia University President Lee Bollinger were aware of the latter fact he would reconsider his invitation to the Iranian president to speak on his campus next Monday.

Mr. Bollinger, notoriously, voted in 2005 not to readmit an ROTC program to Columbia (absent from the university since 1969), ostensibly on the grounds of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding gay service members.


  1. ya la invitaron a cristina a dar una conferencia magistral...

  2. Próxima escala, Buenos Aires, para hablar desde la escalinata de la Facultad de Derecho.


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