Sep 16, 2007

¿Se deben casar los curas? Y, si se quieren…

Tema interesante. Y creo que el celibato no debió haber sido nunca un requisito para convertirse en sacerdote de la Iglesia Católica. Como dice un amigo, muy anticlerical, cómo pretenden los curas dar consejos sobre el matrimonio y la vida sexual si nunca se casaron y, por lo menos en teoría, no tienen vida sexual.

Ya que estamos en tema, un clásico:

A new priest, with a PhD in applied linguistics from the MIT, arrived at The Vatican to work at the archives. He was assigned to help the other priest experts in the computer assisted linguistic analysis of old religious texts. He noticed, however, that they were working with copies, not the original books. The new priest went to the head priest to ask him about this. He pointed out that if there was an error in the first copy, that error would be continued in all of the other copies.

The head priest said, 'We have been working with the copies for centuries, but you make a good point, my son.' The linguist priest went down into the state of the art vaults with one of the copies to check it against the original in Aramaic.

Days later, nobody had seen him, so one of the priests went downstairs to look for him. He heard a sobbing coming from the back of the vault and found the young priest leaning over one of the original books, crying.

He asked what was wrong.

'The word is 'celebrate,' not 'celibate'!' sobbed the priest.

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