Oct 17, 2007


En el blog de People's Cube había una referencia a esto y se me dió por meterme....

Ustedes sabían que la composición del comité que entrega el premio nobel de la Paz, refleja el porcentaje de las bancadas del parlamento noruego ? Es muy ilustrativo ver quienes son, y de donde viene cada uno... para entender el por qué de algunos premios (los énfasis del texto son míos).

La verdad, me quedo con el jurado de Feliz Domingo y su presidente, el célebre escribano Prato Murphy.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee

The Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five, appointed by the Storting (the Norwegain parliament). According to rules laid down by the Storting, election to the committee is for a six-year term, and members can be re-elected. The committee's composition reflect the relative strengths of the political parties in the Storting. Although this is not a requirement, all committee members have been Norwegian nationals. The committee elects its own chairman and deputy chairman. The Director of the Nobel Institute serves as secretary to the committee. [...]

The Nobel Committee is completely independent. In its assessment of nominations for awards, it receives no instructions or directives. According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, there must be no mention in the minutes of any Nobel Committee meetings of the contents of discussions relating to choices of candidates for the various awards, nor must any differences of opinion in committees be divulged in other ways. For that reason, committee members take no part in the public debates which follow the announcement of decisions.

All meetings of the Nobel Committee are held in a special conference room in the Nobel Institute, under an array of pictures of all individual Peace Prize Laureates.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee Members,

MJØS, Ole Danbolt, b. 1939.
Professor Dr.med, University of Tromsø. President of University of Tromsø, 1989-95. Various political offices, Christian People's Party. Member of the Committee since 2003. Chairman since 2003.

FURRE, Berge Ragnar, b. 1937.
Historian, Professor of Theology, University of Oslo. Parliamentary leader of Socialist Left Party (SV), 1975-76. Party Chairman of SV, 1976-83. Member of the Storting, 1973-77. Member of the Committee since 2003, Deputy Chairman since 2003.

RØNBECK, Sissel Marie, b. 1950.
Deputy Director, Directorate for Cultural Heritage (Riksantikvaren). Chairman Social Democratic Youth (AUF) 1975-1977. Member of the Storting 1977-1993. Cabinet Minister 1979-81, 1986-89 and 1996-97. Member of the Committee since 1994.

YTTERHORN, Inger-Marie, b. 1941.
Senior political adviser to the Progress Party's parliamentary group. Member of the Storting, 1989-93. Member of the Election Law Ad hoc committee 1998-2001. Member of the Committee since 2000.

FIVE, Kaci Kullmann, b. 1951.
Self employed Advisor Public Affairs. Chairman of the Young Conservatives, 1977-79. Member of the Storting, 1981-97. Cabinet Minister for Trade, Shipping and European Affairs, 1989-90. Chairman of the Conservative Party, 1991-94. Member of the Committee since 2003.

The Secretary to the Committee and Director of the Nobel Institute is Professor Geir Lundestad, Ph.D., b. 1945.

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