Señores, se termina el petróleo y la culpa es de la codicia desenfrenada de las petroleras privadas. ¿La solución? Qué pregunta, me extraña. Nacionalización ya.
Lo más gracioso va a ser dentro de unos años, cuando todos estos países de cuarta con gobiernos de séptima deban meterse el crudo en el orto logos, la culpa será de EEUU en particular y de Occidente en general:
Socialism always plants the seeds of its own destruction, and state-owned oil is no exception. Most people do not realize that about 90 percent of the world's liquid oil reserves are controlled by governments or state-owned companies. Exxon Mobil, the world's largest privately owned oil company, owns only 1.08 percent of the world's oil reserves, and the five largest private global oil companies together own only about 4 percent of the world's oil reserves.
There is enough liquid oil in the ground to last generations; and when oil sands and oil shale are included, there is enough oil to last centuries. If there were a truly free market in oil, with both the reserves and production owned and controlled by many competitive companies, the price of oil would be a fraction of today's price.
The high price of oil is a direct consequence of artificial supply constraints imposed by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and other countries, including the United States, and the incompetence and mismanagement found in most state-owned oil companies. OPEC is an international government cartel made up of Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Libya, Angola, Algeria, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. These nations control about 77 percent of the world's known liquid crude oil reserves.
Este artículo me ha alegrado el día. Espero que tenga razón.
ReplyDeletePero... el petroleo no era malo para el medio ambiente?
ReplyDeleteAhora hay que cuidarlo? (Y obvio para eso nada mejor que el Estado)
No entiendo bien la lógica.
Hace poco discutía con una amiga que me decía que le daba bronca que no se castigara a las empresas privadas que producen desastres ecologicos, la solucion? Estatización, obvio!!
Cuando le pregunte si el Estado estaba exceptuado de producir accidentes solo se escuchaban esos molestos grillos que producen los razonamientos lógicos cuando habals con un progre.