Nov 14, 2007

La estrella peruana

Más sobre Perú, de Andres Oppenheimer, el íntimo de Cogito. Espero que los peruanos sigan por el buen camino y no pasen de estrella a estrellados:

When I asked senior World Bank economist Marcelo M. Giugale in a recent television interview which countries will be the economic stars of Latin America over the next 20 years, I was surprised by his answer. The first country he mentioned was Peru.

''Peru?'' I asked, somewhat incredulous. When economists talk about Latin America's bright spots, the first country they usually cite is Chile, which has been growing steadily for nearly two decades and has reduced poverty from about 40 percent in the early '90s to about 15 percent today, more than any other country in the region.

When pressed for other examples of Latin American countries likely to prosper in the near future, many cite Brazil. It's a giant country that is moving toward modernity at a snail's pace, but -- with more than 50 percent of South America's GDP -- is raising high expectations because of its sheer size, and its leftist government's generally sound economic policies.

But Peru, until now, has seldom come up as a country of the future. Most often, it has been associated with political scandals, natural disasters and political uncertainty.

UPDATE 2011 : Bienvenidos los buscadores de "La Estrella Peruana" que llegan a este post. Pasen, pónganse cómodos y lean el blog, que enseguida les traigo una Inka Kola :)

1 comment:

  1. Hablando de Perú, ya es casi habitual que una y otra vez lea el artículo de Alan García. Realmente no se puede creer lo que escribe.

    Yo creo que si Perú continúa creando una clase media, la amenaza populista disminuiría, aunque no del todo. Porque si un país tiene una clase alta minoritaria pero una gran mayoría de pobres, el terreno es propicio para el surgimiento de líderes populistas. Ahora creo que es distinto si un país tuviese mucha clase media.

    No sé si estás de acuerdo, Luis.


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