Nov 17, 2007

Muy interesante columna sobre la importancia del libre comercio y el disparate de que exportar es bueno e importar es malo. No se la pierdan:

To hear most politicians talk, you’d think that exports are the key to a country’s prosperity and that imports are a threat to its way of life. Trade deficits—importing more than we export—are portrayed as the road to ruin. U.S. presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama want to get tough with China because of “unfair” trading practices that help China sell products cheaply. Republican candidate Mitt Romney argues that trade is good because exports benefit the average American. Politicians are always talking about the necessity of other countries’ opening their markets to American products. They never mention the virtues of opening U.S. markets to foreign products.

This perspective on imports and exports is called mercantilism. It goes back to the 14th century and has about as much intellectual rigor as alchemy, another landmark of the pre-Enlightenment era.


  1. Ya Bastiat destrozó esos argumentos y hace más de 150 años.

  2. Queda tanta, pero tanta, gente que todavía no se enteró.


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