Dec 5, 2007


Más sobre Perú. Muy interesante, ¿cuál es el principal motivo de este éxito parcial? Un cambio cultural:

Why is Peru succeeding? Again, unlike various other South American countries, it has sustained the far-reaching market reforms of the early to mid 1990s, has deepened some of them, and maintained sound macro-economic polices. The policies of openness and stability are paying off. Anybody who has been visiting Peru during the past 15 years as I have has noticed vast improvements in countless areas of national and everyday life, including notable progress in the past several years. The center of Lima, notoriously crime-ridden and dirty, has become safe and attractive. That kind of revitalization has occurred throughout the city and in major cities and towns of Peru. Consumer goods and services—cell phones, household appliances, and private education, for example—previously unavailable or in short supply have proliferated and serve all markets, rich and poor.

A change in values more oriented to a modern society may also slowly be taking place. The majority of Peruvians supported the FTA with the United States. The quality of service and attention to detail seems to have improved among Peruvian workers and management across a broad array of businesses. Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa recently noted that he was now much more hopeful about Peru, not because of Peru’s positive economic indicators, but rather because “something profound seems to have changed in the culture of the country. One would have to be blind not to see that.”

(Más del tema de Carlos en BlogBis)


  1. Luis, si de verdad está ocurriendo en Perú un paulatino (aunque por ahora leve o muy leve) cambio cultural, en un país culturalmente cercano a la Argentina, creo que hasta podríamos esperar lo mismo de Argentina y otros países, aunque en nuestro caso lo veo más que muy verde esa posibilidad. Digamos, creo que el cambio es posible.

  2. Andrés, el cambio siempre es posible.

    Pido perdón si soy poco políticamente correcto, pero creo que para una sociedad como la peruana, menos contaminada por el altanería y la pedantería, es más probable que la gente entienda y acepte que están equivocados y que hace falta cambiar.

    En Argentina seguimos creyendo que somos lo máximo del mundo, unos vivos bárbaros, y que el equivocado es el resto del mundo.


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