Jan 25, 2008

Responsabilidad social

Relacionado con este post de Ramiro de hace unos meses, Bill Gates y el “capitalismo creativo”.

Nunca me pasó, pero tengo la sensación de que después del decimoquinto o decimosexto cero en la cuenta bancaria, el titular suele entrar en una fase de cerebro queso gruyere:

Would the world be well-served if this ecosystem became subject to the whims of managers writing checks to charities they personally prefer? There's no reason to believe CEOs can claim special competence in deciding how charity should be dispensed. If anything, the individual shareholders who participate and research nonprofit groups and churches (and know firsthand which are most deserving) are in a better position. Not all decisions benefit from centralization; there is wisdom in distributed decision-making.

Although it may not be politically correct to say in some circles, there is a stronger argument to be made against "creative capitalism," and it is that profits come from serving society. The larger the profits, the better job the company tends to have done. Profit maximization is a worthy goal by itself.

(Gracias, Dolores)

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