Feb 4, 2008

Grandes clásicos populistas

Más sobre la "Gran Galtieri" de Chávez, esta vez de Mary Anastasia O'Grady:

In 1981, Argentine inflation topped 130%, and by the early months of 1982 the situation was rapidly deteriorating. A web of price controls designed to compensate for monetary mischief at the central bank only made things worse. Confidence had collapsed and civil unrest was growing.

The military government's decision to lay claim to Britain's South Georgia Island on March 19, 1982, and later the Falklands, was dictator Leopoldo Galtieri's last-ditch effort to boost the nation's sense of strength, and to distract it from the reality that it was caught in an economic maelstrom.

Fast forward to 2008 and Venezuela, where the parallels cannot be ignored. The military government of President Hugo Chávez is engaging in provocations against a foreign power that would seem to have little purpose other than getting news of the crumbling economy off the front pages and ginning up nationalism.

1 comment:

  1. Yo creo que hay una diferencia. Colombia no tiene que viajar medio mundo en barco y tiene flor de fuerzas armadas.

    Los militares de Venezuela no van a seguirlo a Chávez en eso, ya le pararon el carro con las últimas elecciones.

    Veo muy poco probable un ataque venezolano. Nadie va a creer en la culpabilidad de Colombia.


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