Mar 1, 2008

El paraíso cubano

Me pregunto qué tiene que pasar para que tanto tontito que anda por ahí se de cuenta:

My wife and I, as unreconstructed paleo-lefties who support Clause Four, free school meals and NHS dental provision, had long wanted to visit Castro’s Cuba. All the people whose views we respect had said that the Caribbean island was a progressive model whose policies on education and healthcare ought to be copied throughout the world. We went there last April desperately wanting to like the place — after all, if George W. Bush and other right-wing nasties hated Cuba so much, then the country must be on the right tracks.

But we returned home terribly disillusioned. Neither of us had been to a country which was so utterly decrepit.


  1. Te dedicamos un post.

    Si quisieras nosotras podríamos cantarte así al oído, pero eso no lo haremos nunca.

    Bueno, depende...

  2. Los comentarios en el post del socialista inglés que viajó a Cuba son impagables, y en su mayoría arrojan una luz de esperanza sobre Britain....

    What do you expect? You sing the praises of that commie pig for 50 years and are shocked he did the same thing as the KGB in the old USSR? You got what you deserved when the Doctor ripped you off. The same thing happens all the time in Latin America's leftist countries like Venezuela. So all you leftie commie enthusiasts, way to go in cheering on Cuban Communism!

  3. "My wife and I, as unreconstructed paleo-lefties who support...NHS dental provision..."

    Quisiera verle los dientes al Clark este


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