May 2, 2008

El gobierno nunca se equivoca

Mark Steyn sobre la debacle de los "biocombustibles":

Western governments listened to the eco-warriors, and introduced some of the “wartime measures” they’ve been urging. The E.U. decreed that 5.75% of petrol and diesel must come from “biofuels” by 2010, rising to 10% by 2020. The US added to its 51 cents-per-gallon ethanol subsidy by mandating a five-fold increase in “biofuels” production by 2022.

The result is that big government accomplished at a stroke what the free market could never have done: They turned the food supply into a subsidiary of the energy industry. When you divert 28 per cent of U.S. grain into fuel production, and when you artificially make its value as fuel higher than its value as food, why be surprised that you’ve suddenly got less to eat? Or, to be more precise, it’s not “you” who’s got less to eat but those starving peasants in distant lands you claim to care so much about. Heigh-ho.

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