Jun 23, 2008

Europa se vuelve irrelevante, tal vez sea lo mejor para el mundo:

Europe gave the world the ideologies of Fascism and Marxism, which were responsible — or provided rationalizations — for 100–150 million deaths worldwide, including many outside Europe, most notably in China, Cambodia and North Korea. Then in a few short decades, despite having risen Phoenix-like from the ashes of destruction of World War II, instead of brimming with optimism, Europe has taken a decidedly pessimistic turn.

It no longer believes in progress. Its birth rate has dropped below replacement rates, yet, despite its protestations of equality, fraternity, secularism, and respect for human rights, it’s unwilling or unable to welcome or integrate immigrants of different colors or religious backgrounds into its societies. And one by one it’s abandoning the great ideas that brought it, and the rest of the world, progress, and advanced human well-being.


  1. La gente es la primera que se va a dar cuenta de lo desastrozo de la burocracia europea. Por suerte, en las elecciones que sucedieron ultimamente en países como Holanda, Italia o Bélgica en donde grupos cuestionadores de la "regionalidad europea" han obtenido buenos resultados.
    Otra cosa, en Irlanda la gente rechazó en un referéndum la burocrática constitución europea.
    ¿Por qué no sometieron a un referendum este tema en países como Estonia, Austria, Bélgica o Finlandia?. Tenían miedo al rechazo a la buracracia.

  2. Eso de votar es una muy mala costumbre.


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