Jun 9, 2008

Más sobre la eficiencia, esa mala palabra para todo progre que se precie de tal, y el Consenso de Copenhague.

¿Le importan a alguien? Por supuesto que no. El objetivo nunca fue solucionar problemas sino tener el derecho a decirles a los demás cómo deben vivir sus vidas:

Scarcity is a core economic concept, though politicians and even many economists prefer to ignore it. There isn't an unlimited amount of money to be spent on every problem, so choices have to be made. The question addressed by the Copenhagen Consensus Center is what investments would do the most good for the most people. The center's blue-ribbon panel of economists, including five Nobel laureates, weighed more than 40 proposals to improve the world by spending a total of $75 billion over the next four years.

What would do the most good most economically? Supplements of vitamin A and zinc for malnourished children.

Number two? A successful outcome to the Doha Round of global free-trade talks. (Someone please tell Barack Obama.)

Global warming mitigation? It ranked 30th, or last, right behind global warming mitigation research and development. (Someone please tell John McCain.) The nearby table lists other rankings.

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