Jul 7, 2008

Mary Anastasia O'Grady sobre la relación entre ciertas organizaciones pseudo pro derechos humanos y las FARC en Colombia. ¿Les suena conocida la historia?

As we learn more about the Colombian military's daring hostage rescue last week, one detail stands out: In tricking FARC rebels into putting the hostages aboard a helicopter, undercover special forces simply told the comandantes that the aircraft was being loaned to them by a fictitious nongovernmental organization sympathetic to their cause called the International Humanitarian Mission.

It may have taken years for army intelligence to infiltrate the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, and it may have been tough to convincingly impersonate rebels. But what seems to have been a walk in the park was getting the FARC to believe that an NGO was providing resources to help it in the dirty work of ferrying captives to a new location.

1 comment:

  1. Me ganaste de mano, justo iba a ponerlo.

    Habría que agregar que los falsos miembros de la ONG que se bajaron del helicóptero tenían remeras con la clásica imagen del Che, algo que no desentonaría para nada con la visión de cualquier ONG.

    Si querés que los malos te confundan con uno de ellos, usá una remera del Che.


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