Nov 8, 2008

Excelente carta abierta a Obama, de Greg Mankiw:
Congratulations, Senator Obama. You ran a good campaign, and you racked up an historic victory. As you get ready for your new responsibilities, let me suggest four ways for you to become a reliable steward of the economy:

Listen to your economists. During the campaign you assembled an impressive team of economic advisers from the nation’s top universities, including Austan Goolsbee from University of Chicago and David Cutler and Jeff Liebman from Harvard. Your campaign’s director of economic policy, Jason Furman, is a smart, sensible, and well-trained policy economist. I know: He is a former student of mine.

Pay close attention to what they have to say. They will often give you advice quite different from what you will hear from congressional leaders Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. To make sure you hear the views of your economists, put them in offices close to yours. Tell your chief of staff to invite them to all the relevant meetings.

Embrace some Republican ideas. No party has a monopoly on truth. Be ready to take the best Republican policy proposals and make them your own, as Bill Clinton did with welfare reform in 1996.


  1. luis, que pasa que solo tenes 16 followers y ruben tiene como 33? te estas quedando atras, ya ni siquiera tus co-bloggers escriben. Que pena, frustrado y solo en tu pueblito.

  2. Anónimo, es un complot internacional. Pero no te preocupes, ya llega la redistribución kirchnerista y todos tendremos seguidores.

  3. los de rubén son sólo 4. los otros son nuestros

  4. Hay gente que realmente es muy triste. Pobre anónimo. A ese sí le caben los epítetos de Feinman.


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