Nov 18, 2008

Se pinchó la burbuja petrolera

Y todo gracias a la intervención estatal, por supuesto. ¿Se acuerdan de las predicciones sobre el barril de crudo a 250 dólares? Sigan participando, la próxima vez seguro que la pegan:

Oil prices have dropped by 60 percent since July. And they fell without the benefit of a gasoline tax holiday, new anti-speculator regulations, or awindfall profits tax on oil companies. A year ago, crude oil was going for $88.00 per barrel and gasoline cost an average of $2.76 per gallon. Over the following months, the price soared, reaching an inflation-adjusted record high of just over $147 per barrel in July. Then the bottom fell out. Yesterday, the price was hovering around $58, up from a recent low of $53 per barrel. The result is gasoline prices plummeting from a national average of $4.11 per gallon in July to below $2.07 per gallon now. So what happened?


  1. Porque la progresiá no dice ahora que las petroleras ahora son buenas, que han encontrado el camino del altruismo y han decidido pensar en la humanidad.

  2. Ronald Bailey escribe cosas muy interesantes. No siempre tengo tiempo de leerlo.


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