Jan 6, 2009

A llorar a la mezquita!

La "escuela" estaba llena de explosivos, misiles antitanque, y un lanzador de misiles...tambien estaba la oficina de un oficial de las Naciones Unidas! (Quien era el Rector? D'Elia?)

La perrada pro-Hamas esta que trina.


  1. El caradurismo de esta gete y sus apologistas occidentales es pasmoso.

  2. No existe ninguna referencia en los medios occidentales a las armas o la gente de Hamas muerta en la escuela de la UN bombardeada por los criminales Israelitas. No existe ninguna justificativa para bombardear escuelas, hospitales, edificios publicos, etc. Es un crimen de guerra escandaloso.

  3. Cuidate de que los que estaban tirándole al ejército israelí no fuesen empleados de la ONU.

  4. Sí existe más de una "justificativa" para bombardear escuelas, hospitales, edificios públicos, etc.

    Nro. 1: los gazanos vienen tirando desde hace años miles de misiles a objetivos civiles en Israel, que tengan pobre puntería lejos está de justificarlos.

    Nro. 2: los terroristas de Hamas se esconden y combaten a propósito en escuelas, hospitales, edificios públicos, etc. para que salames digan que no hay "justificativa" para los contraataques de Israel.

    ¿Por qué recién ahora están todos escandalizados tras años de diarias docenas de misiles hacia ciudades israelíes en las que hay escuelas, hospitales, edificios públicos, etc?

  5. En http://zhoram.blogspot.com puse un video de la famosa escuelita, antes de ahora...cuando ya era "el patiecito de las lanzaderas de misiles" del Hamas

  6. Como que no existen referencias en la prensa occidental? Associated Press, ynet, ABCNews, Reuters, LiveLeak tiene el video. Este Ricky Maravilla me parece medio pelotudo.

  7. Ricky, ¿cómo que no existen referencias? La mayoría de los medios argentinos dijeron -eso sí, después de largas columnas de letras señalando el horror del bombardeo- que desde ese lugar se habían estado lanzando morteros a las fuerzas israelitas.

  8. .
    Israel has a right to self-defense, period. Hamas fires missile from schools and apartment buildings. They won’t allow civilians to leave the danger area. Hamas wants Palistinian civilians killed so they can get your sympathy. Israel repeatedly warns cilvilians in the area through phone calls and dropping leaflets. Hamas has no defense, grow up.

    For EVERY missile shot into Israel at least ONE missile should be returned to the area as close as possible to the shooter. Tit for tat. Every single missile should be returned. Period. Treat them like adults, if they kill, they will be killed. If they send missiles, they will receive them. That is the only way they will learn. Screw public opinion, force them to see the truth, or let them be damned.
    As the brave Geert Wilders put it recently, "To begin with, there is already a Palestinian state, and that is Jordan. This land covers nearly eighty percent of the historic Palestine. Most residents of Jordan are Palestinians, for instance queen Rania."

    Why doesn't Jordan take the poor Palistinians or control the nutjobs in Gaza?

    Hamas is what makes Gaza much worse than it could be. If they would give up the dream of destroying Israel and stopped all missiles and suicide bombers, and all terrorist attacks, Israel would welcome doing business with them, and things would be peaceful.

    There is no negotiating with a mad man, or with Jihadis who want to die to go get their 72 virgins.
    I hope Israel doesn't quit too early. If Israel is destroyed, terrorism in the rest of the world will just increase, it will never stop, as long as there are Radical, or rather, Fundamentalist Muslims.
    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    let someone hit you

    over and over again
    and NEVER hit back harder

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    DO NOT defend your country

    from terrorist monkeys
    just let them bomb you at will

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    BOMB kindergartens

    then piss and moan and whine
    when their parents bomb you back

    absurd thought -
    God of the Universe says
    never mock Hamas

    it's just their religion
    All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech there can be no real freedom.
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