Jan 18, 2009

No desperdician ninguna parte del niño

Visto en LGF : Hamas Uses Children As Spotters

More pro-Hamas videos are appearing on YouTube; this one was posted by VoiceOfJihaD and it shows very clearly how Hamas uses children as human shields. At about 1:20, the terrorists appear to be shooting at a helicopter overhead—and they send children into the streets, in the open, to point out where the helicopter is, while they stay hidden under trees and next to walls.

They do this because they know the IAF tries not to launch airstrikes against children. But they also know that if any of them are killed, their useful little spotters can easily be turned into propaganda tools with the willing assistance of Western media.

They don’t waste any part of the child

Estos son los héroes de la progresía.


  1. Yo, que soy el Martín Karadagian de los libertarios argentinos, solía entrar seguido al blog, aunque no estaba de acuerdo con mucho de lo que decían. Te tengo que decir que se les fue la mano con este post. No entro más.

    La voy a mandar a La Momia.


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