Jan 29, 2009

Y Pegue, Y Pegue!!!!!

Lean a Guy Sorman sobre el Che, Que monstruo!!!!!

Castro, no humanist himself, did his best to neutralize Guevara by appointing him Minister for Industry. As could be expected, Che applied Soviet policies to the Cubans: agriculture was destroyed and ghost factories dotted the landscape. He did not care about Cuba’s economy or its people: his purpose was to pursue revolution for its own sake, whatever it meant, like art for art’s sake.


  1. Que me listen tres éxitos conseguidos por el Che, donde benefició a la gente...

  2. hizo posible la proliferacion de remeras con su cara y el negocio textil?? (cuenta eso?)

  3. Si se venden por dinero no cuenta, si se intercambian por trueque puede ser.


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