Feb 17, 2009

Obama = Total Failure

Obama, the one guy who can get us out of this, who wants to do what great Presidents are supposed to do in times of crisis, which means lead, and inspire, and make brave decisions, and make the country confident again.

With loony jihadists threatening from without, a crumbling economy terrorizing its citizens from within, Obama knew he needed straightaway to demonstrate utmost competence to stem fear and instill confidence. The reason for his wanting to assemble an able cabinet more quickly than any other administration in recent history was to show that, though the nation had major problems, they were under study and would soon be attacked by the most capable minds of our time. He needed to calm the country down, and show, in a measured but forceful way, that a strong hand was at the wheel.

This he has thus far failed abysmally to do.

Allahpundit in HotAir


  1. Sin duda, está patinando muy feo. Se nota a la legua que tenían razón los que sostenían durante la campaña que era mucho verso y muy poca sustancia. Lo de exagerar sobre la gravedad de la crisis me parece un error muy grave.

    De todos modos, recién empieza. En una de esas es capaz de cambiar y no terminar como Carter v2.0.

  2. Definitivamente le faltaba experiencia a Obama. La está haciendo desde la presidencia, veremos los resultados.


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