Apr 7, 2009

CBP sobre la problemática argentina y latinoamericana. Muy claro.

¿Terminarán de entenderlo alguna vez los argentinos? Lo dudo mucho. Las ecuaciones de suma cero y las teorías conspirativas les resultan mucho más atractivas.

Ya que están, no se pierdan los comentarios de “cristian”. Al final, voy a terminar creyendo que en realidad no se hace, es como el que más:

I've been a student of Latin American economies for the past 40 years. From the very first time I visited Argentina in 1969 I have been struck by the persistence of poverty (of which Argentina has relatively little compared to other Latin American economies) and the constant setbacks to progress (e.g., periodic devaluations that destroy wealth) that characterize the region.

If the problems that these economies face could be boiled down to a nutshell, it would be that they have a chronic shortage of capital. That, in turn, leads to a chronic oversupply of labor, which explains why wages in Latin America are generally much lower than those in developed countries. Why the shortage of capital? Because it is not respected. Capital does not flow to economies were corruption negates the rule of law; where governments seize capital via devaluation and inflation; where debts are repudiated; where industry is nationalized; where capital is taxed at punitive rates; where prices are controlled; where private property rights are not paramount.


  1. Scott Grannis en cualquier momento va a empezar a aplicar la MCB.

  2. Creo que Mariano se refiere a lo que en EEUU se conoce como ASM (Asshole Slicing Machine)

  3. a q se refieren? todavia no entiendo...

  4. MCB: máquina de cortar boludos. Famosa por su uso en el programa de tato bores y actualmente en uso en blogbis (y en realidad acá también, es la que se encarga de cristian)


  5. Ahora sí, qué chichipío, gracias Anónimo.


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