Apr 20, 2009

Imperdible - El circo de Durban II

The Clowning of the Almeja

Roger Simon reportando desde el circo de Durban II :

Just then, on the television screen, a couple of kids in clown suits started demonstrating in the aisles in front of Ahmadinejad. It seemed surreal. (I later learned they were members of a European Jewish delegation.) Everyone in my room appeared amazed, even pleased, but the clowns were unceremoniously escorted from the hall and Ahmadinejad resumed his speech. I thought this was some minor interruption of the sort one frequently sees in the US, but in what seemed like seconds, a number of national delegates were standing up in their seats in front of Ahmadinejad and walking out in his face. These included France, Belgium, the Czech Republic, the UK, etc… all countries that, I knew, had made a big deal about attending the conference, not the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Poland, Germany and the Netherlands - that honor roll of countries with the sense to realize what a fiasco this was in front and refused to participate (how good they look now!). [...]

[...] Ahmadinejad drones on and on, of course. Listening to him answer questions is terrifying and instructive at once. I know this sounds like a bit of an exaggeration (and, yes, I’m aware of Godwin’s Law) but it must be a little like it was to have listened to Hitler and Stalin. Language is turned upside down. Everything is its opposite. “Democracy” is totalitarianism. “Human rights” are oppression. “Freedom” is repression. You head starts to spin. I think I remember from 1984 that Winston Smith got a headache listening to that kind of language. I can well understand it.

Id y leed en su totalidad.

UPDATE : Video acá en PJTV (free)

1 comment:

  1. Qué bien que hace ver que algunos empiezan a mostrar un poquito de dignidad.


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