Jun 13, 2009

Basura progre

Y en el otro rincón (ver post anterior)... la hermosa San Francisco. Un tema que se ha tocado mucho en el blog: los progres y su obsesión con los tachos de basura.

Throwing orange peels, coffee grounds and grease-stained pizza boxes in the trash will be against the law in San Francisco, and could even lead to a fine.

The Board of Supervisors voted 9-2 Tuesday to approve Mayor Gavin Newsom’s proposal for the most comprehensive mandatory composting and recycling law in the country. It’s an aggressive push to cut greenhouse gas emissions and have the city sending nothing to landfills or incinerators by 2020.

“San Francisco has the best recycling and composting programs in the nation,” Newsom said, praising the board’s vote on a plan that some residents had decried as heavy-handed and impractical. “We can build on our success.”

The ordinance is expected to take effect this fall.

The legislation calls for every residence and business in the city to have three separate color-coded bins for waste: blue for recycling, green for compost and black for trash.

Pegame un tiro.


  1. No nos habrán afanado ideas a nosotros estos californianos?.

  2. Si el estado puede hacer de todo, ¿por que no separa el estado la basura?

  3. Falta que cobren multas por flatulencias y ya se fueron al carajo. Un pedo, 5 bucks, todo sea por el global calenting


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