Jul 20, 2009

De la sección “¿alguien me explica qué está pasando en el Reino Unido?” o los extremos increíbles a los que se puede llegar con la corrección política.

Me pregunto si es posible una reacción racional o si ya es demasiado tarde, la batalla está perdida:

From this October, a vast new database will be called into being. Anyone who intends to visit a school or have contact with children more than obnce a month will have to be registered on that database. That database will not only contain criminal records. It will store any tittle-tattle, rumour or innuendo that anyone wishes to contribute. Of course, people will have the right to "contest" allegations made against them. But we all know how it works these days. The allegations may not be proved. The police may even investigate, and discover no evidence whatever. But the allegations will remain on file, as something schools and local authorities may decide to "take account of" in determining admission.

Why should a distinguished author have to go through this kind of humiliation, just because he or she is public-spirited enough to visit a school? Why should anyone? We are told that we need more male role models for our kids, and that we need to get more males into teaching. Then why are we treating every adult as though he or she were a potential pervert? What signal are we sending out about this country?

1 comment:

  1. Todo el mundo es culpable hasta que se demuestre lo contrario, incluida la justicia.


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