Jul 11, 2009

Desalmados en Latvia

Parece que en Latvia podes sacar un préstamo de hasta el equivalente de u$s 1,000, poniendo como garantía colateral... tu alma.

RIGA, July 6 (RIA Novosti) - Religious leaders in Latvia have condemned a company that is offering people in the former Soviet republic the chance to pledge their souls as collateral for loans, the Delfi news portal said on Monday.

In order to receive loans of up to $1,000, clients have to sign a contract that states that the firm will own their souls in the event of them failing to return the sum. [...]

Supongo que el contrato del préstamo habrá que firmarlo con sangre, como es tradicional. Los clérigos están muy enojados...

A mi todo esto me hizo acordar de este genial capítulo de Seinfeld.

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