Sep 29, 2009

Un colectivismo más eficiente

Más sobre Europa, me hace acordar a Canadá.

Lo de la identificación del socialismo con la modernidad es para alquilar balcones.

Los partidos de centroderecha ganan las elecciones pero está todo tan corrido a la izquierda que tienen socialismo para rato:

Europe’s center-right parties have embraced many ideas of the left: generous welfare benefits, nationalized health care, sharp restrictions on carbon emissions, the ceding of some sovereignty to the European Union. But they have won votes by promising to deliver more efficiently than the left, while working to lower taxes, improve financial regulation, and grapple with aging populations.

Europe’s conservatives, says Michel Winock, a historian at the Paris Institut d’Études Politiques, “have adapted themselves to modernity.” When Nicolas Sarkozy of France and Germany’s Angela Merkel condemn the excesses of the “Anglo-Saxon model” of capitalism while praising the protective power of the state, they are using Socialist ideas that have become mainstream, he said.

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