Oct 3, 2009

1884 : Yesterday's Future

Suena muy interesante !

A film by Peculiar Pictures

A story of outstanding heroism in the face of deception, subterfuge and treachery. Conjuring up the belief that it was made forty years before film was even invented, 1884: Yesterday’s Future tells of a future that might have been but never was.

Directed by Tim Ollive, the film is a mix of animation, puppetry and two dimensional and three dimensional computer generated imagery (CGI) set against backgrounds created using stunning artwork, model sets and period photographs from the Hulton Picture Library division of Getty Images. Combine these idiosyncratic production techniques with a script of mind boggling ingenuity and you have a hilarious comedy film the like of which you will not have seen before. So, put your tongue firmly in your cheek, stiffen your upper lip and prepare to be shaken and stirred by 1884: Yesterday’s Future.

Website acá.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! Steampunk!

    Me gustó el personaje que parece Vincent Price.


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