Oct 28, 2009

Doggie style

De la seccion "WTF que mierda tienen en la cabeza ??!?!"

Five Virginia Department of Corrections officers have been charged with animal cruelty involving the fondling of a K-9 dog and videotaping the two incidents. [...]

Powhatan Commonwealth’s Attorney Robert B. Beasley Jr. said Thompson “allegedly had some sexual contact with the animal.“ The male dog, a German shepherd or shepherd mix, was not harmed, he said. “Essentially, he was touching the dog’s penis with his hand,“ Beasley said. “The others were there filming it. That’s actually how we learned of it — there’s a video.“ A corrections employee saw the video and reported it to a superior, Beasley said. [...]

Terry N. Grimes, a Roanoke attorney representing Thompson, said his client planned to plead not guilty but admitted to fondling the animal. “I would characterize it as hazing,“ he said, claiming that Thompson was told by the others, “If you masturbate your K-9 unit, you’ll have greater control over it.“

Esto con Rin Tin Tin no pasaba.


  1. No sé quién está más loco ahí.

  2. ese es el secreto de una buena relaciòn con el gènero masculino :)

  3. Claro Gabriela, está en la página 1 del manual de instrucciones.

  4. Si lo masturbás tenés más control sobre el perro. Y si se la chupás, directamente te trae el desayuno a la cama y reportedly no tendría problemas en engancharse en prácticas sado/maso.


    PD: Perdón. Es el efecto Maradona.

  5. ¿Los domadores de elefantes emplearán la misma técnica?

  6. No quiero ni pensar en los amaestradores de pulgas...

  7. Y a la orca de Mundo Marino ?

    Ay mamita.


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