Oct 7, 2009


Gaza: The internal Hamas in the Gaza Strip to prevent motorcyclists from carrying women behind the driver of the bike 'Based on the requirements of public interest'.
She said: 'This decision is to preserve the safety of citizens and the stability of customs and traditions in Palestinian society'.
Spread in the Gaza Strip recently, the phenomenon of carrying women behind the motorcycle driver and children on the front lines of the Egyptian society that are widespread in all streets and alleys of cities this phenomenon.
Bueno, todo ese rollo de la 'seguridad' es una excusa, por supuesto, porque cuando estos sátrapas usan a las mujeres y a los niños como escudos humanos no se les mueve un pelo.
Lo que obviamente les molesta es que las chicas tengan que apoyar las tetas al agarrarse del conductor para no caerse.
Raquel Reznik

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