Nov 10, 2009

Más sobre el ataque a Yoani Sánchez por parte de los matones de la policía secreta cubana, visto en Babalú:

One of the funniest things about listening to unreconstructed Lefties is their declaration that Cuba is some sort of proletarian paradise.

It's all complete rot, of course -- it has a rigid class system largely based on colour; they have exported their best health care workers to Venezuela in return for oil; and the people are starving.

Oh, and they also have a problem with that whole pesky freedom-of-speech thing.

The most recent example comes with the news that Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez was recently kidnapped and assaulted by Cuban security police -- ironically, when she was on her way to participate in an anti-violence march. According to Sanchez, she was left "black and blue, punches, pulled hairs, blows to the head, the kidneys, knees and chest, they applied judo or karate to us as the punches kept raining down."

Now, will we hear our Castro-loving friends come out and condemn that?

Don't hold your breath.


  1. Para mi que fue un ataque de la CIA o se autogolpeó. Es una maniobra del imperialismo contra las bondades del socialismo.

  2. Esta nota está buena, sobre Berlín y La Habana.

  3. Me parece que no falta mucho. Pobre gente.


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