Nov 16, 2009

¿Qué es más justo?

La izquierda rechaza los sistemas basados en el mérito porque sostienen que no todo el mundo es igual de meritorio. Pero ¿con qué los reemplazan cuando llegan al poder? Con el acomodo, no queda otra opción:

In exchange for liberty, Cubans would be better off culturally, economically, and in other ways. Sanchez describes the reality of social control under communist Cuba in which the real exchanges occur as a consequence of the power relationship. Access to housing, jobs, new goods, and the possibility of minor improvements in life, all depend on a well documented support of the revolution through attendance of mass meetings and membership in the communist party, for example.

Or through personal relationships with those in power. Sanchez describes how young women long ago began prostituting themselves to high ministry or military officials in exchange for non-monetary goods or privileges. Such “courtesans of socialism” later turned to traditional prostitution with the arrival of currency convertibility in Cuba.

1 comment:

  1. En definitiva se trata de un sistema que siempre fracasará porque considera que los hombres somos santos y estúpidos.


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