Dec 14, 2009

Off With his Head

Una proverbial patada en los testículos de la elite de iluminados que pretenden manejar nuestras vidas.

Dónde se ha visto que un grasa de cuarta, un ciudadano de a pie, tenga el tupé de poner en duda lo que decimos. Faltaba más.


  1. Meanwhile, McIntyre, working alone, has gone on to score further critical points. In 2007, he caught a mistake in the reporting of U.S. surface temperatures by NASA’s Goddard Institute that was quickly acknowledged, with thanks, and corrected. (NASA’s gracious manner contrasts sharply with the attitudes displayed behind the scenes at the CRU.)

    Me encanto este parrafo!

  2. Rothbard, lei el articulo. Como siempre, los líberals soberbios... miren como describe a los anti-AGW: 'So they’re outraged, furious, at the notion that they have to listen to guys who talk in big words rather than sports metaphors'.


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