Dec 1, 2009

Tienen razón los de Hot Air. Si se comprueba que el tremendismo del global calenting no es más que la vergonzosa manipulación de la ciencia con fines políticos, se trataría de un hecho criminal que haría quedar a los escándalos de Bernie Madoff o Enron como juegos de niños:

Global warming is a scam, pure and simple. By any objective measure, it’s the crime of the century, with a dollar value that dwarfs the sins of Bernie Madoff or Enron. People like Al Gore have become millionaires by selling books and “carbon credits” to their marks… many of whom knew perfectly well they were being taken for a ride, but felt political pressure to play along, or saw opportunities created by the exercise of raw government power. The economic damage from legislation passed in response to this hoax will run into trillions of dollars, if Barack Obama’s disastrous cap-and-trade legislation passes the Senate.


  1. Algo ya empieza a salir en algun medio argentino[tt_news]=133161&cHash=b93ef7a940

    no será mucho, pero es un comienzo...


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