Dec 15, 2009

Yo insisto, ¿para qué sirven las Naciones Unidas, más allá de dar una pátina de legitimidad a cuanto sátrapa de cuarta aparece por ahí?

The tendency among Western electorates to regard the UN with dewy-eyed respect, believing that it incarnates the dream of world peace and social justice, is a salient instance of the retrograde thinking and lack of realism that has increasingly placed the free world at the mercy of its enemies. For the UN is nothing like the hallucination of its Western advocates, the sweet-minded, the uninformed, the sanctimonious, and the steadfastly ignorant. It is, rather, public enemy number one. It is the command center of a maniple of nations, many of them outright despotisms and one-party kleptocracies, others third-world resenters determined to strip the developed nations of their prerogatives and to ensure the transfer of wealth to their own coffers, and others still, languid appeasers and collaborators — Spain, the UK, the Netherlands, Scandinavia — gradually surrendering their title to credible sovereignty. We continue to support the UN at our peril, unwilling to confront the corruption which vitiates the mandate of this supposedly august body and denying in the face of all the evidence its advancing anti-Western and anti-democratic enterprise.

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