Jan 13, 2010

Energía Socialista

Comienza el racionamiento energético en Venezuela. Otro triunfo del socialismo y van...

Vean en Devil's Excrement los detalles, aca van algunas perlas :

Basically, in Caracas (so far the rationing details have not been announced everywhere), every two days, wherever you live or work, there will be rationing for four hours in 4×6 chunks. You can download this complex document (see one page above, including the cynical Ahora Venezuela es de Todos sign), where you can see which Areas of Caracas correspond to each block. If you are in block A then you can find when your home or work will have the electricity shut off from midnight to 4 AM, from 4 AM to 8 AM and so forth.

Except that for each area, even to some streets, there are six zones for each residential or business area. That is if you are in Zone 1… but wait, nowhere does it say how these zones are defined! That is, rationing begins tonight in about three hours, but nobody knows what their Zone number is. I have reviewed my electric Bill, no zone. I have tried to log in to the Corpoelec website, overwhelmed. Electricidad de Caracas website, also overwhelmed. Not ready for prime time, but coming very soon.

You’ve gotta love the robolution! Even when they deliver socialism, they do it inefficiently and incompetently!

I am just waiting for the Government to argue that this will not impact economic growth. Sure, fewer and more inefficient hours of work, have no impact in the economy. Tell me about Cinderella now!

And then we come to my biggest concern: Crime. You can be sure that criminals will be looking at the same maps to take advantage of the lack of police and security in whole areas that will now have no lights for four hours at a time: No lights, no alarms, no police, a sweet model indeed! For crime. Crime will go up, that is about the only prediction you can make.

Unfortunately, it will go up unevenly. This is where socialism will break down, poor areas will be hurt the most. Because they have more crime to begin with, because they have less security and because they are more exposed. [...]

El capítulo sobre Tanzania de "Eat The Rich" de P.J.O'Rourke se llama "How to Make Nothing From Everything". Venezuela aplica perfectamente a esta definición. Cortes de energía en un país que es básicamente una olla de petróleo con tapa de roca... Claro, pero la culpa es del global calenting por no permitir que se llenen los embalses. Y por transitividad, del capitalismo y de Bush.

Al menos me regocija que las masas que votaron al Bolivaropithecus ahora estén disfrutando de los beneficios del socialismo a manos llenas. Por otros 8 años de robolución !


  1. Lo más triste de todo es que es absolutamente al fart. Como el socialismo nacionalista nunca fue una cuestión racional, no hay hechos que valgan.

    A seguir fracasando por los siglos de los siglos.

  2. Hoy justo hablábamos con un compañero del trabajo y me contaba que cuando era chico iba con la madre al supermercado y pasaban por cajeros separados para poder llevar dos paquetes de azúcar, harina, aceite... el racionamiento y la escasez, los éxitos del socialismo.


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