Jan 19, 2010

Muy buen análisis

"Ahora al muñeco, se lo meten en el...."

The Self-Inflicted Wound [Yuval Levin]

It is a mark of the degree of political malpractice the Democrats have been guilty of over the past year, of the degree of their overreach and recklessness, that being left with 59 senators—a huge majority by any measure, and the same majority they had when Obama was inaugurated a year ago—is now somehow enough to make it seem as though they are powerless and is likely to kill the core (and almost the entirety) of their domestic agenda, and leave them rudderless and reeling.

They are of course not in fact powerless at all. But they have adopted an agenda that only a supermajority could pass (if that, even a supermajority couldn’t pass cap and trade), and with every indication of public opposition have only intensified their determination to pursue it, putting themselves on the wrong side of independent voters while persuading themselves that people would come around because this health care bill is something liberals have wanted for three generations. They have made it impossible for themselves to change course without a massive loss of face and of political capital. But however costly, that change will now need to come. You have to wonder if the people responsible for setting this course—and especially Rahm Emanuel and the House and Senate leadership—will still be standing when it’s all done with.



  1. En serio, qué nivel de incompetencia tan espantoso. ¿Por qué será que la izquierda está siempre dispuesta a inmolar todo lo que haga falta en la pira ideológica?

  2. Se la creyeron, se creyeron que los planetas estaban todos alineados con la estrella de Obama y que podían aprovechar la súper-mayoría para hacer cualquier cosa.

    Qué buen ejemplo de que la democracia y la república funcionan en un pueblo todavía virtuoso.

  3. No, la posta es esta: perdieron la cantidad de poder que les permitía torcer suficientes brazos como para poder ganar sin aparentar pelea, jugandola de los buenos de la política.
    Es una esencia de los progres, quieren suficiente poder como para que nadie pueda abrir la boca y ellos puedan jugarla de padres buenos. En cierta medida es lo que pasó con los K, lo más feo de ellos sale cuando pierden poder.
    Tener mucho poder facilita la hipocresía, en pocas palabras.


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