Feb 5, 2010


VDH, ¿les hace acordar a algún otro país?

I lived in Greece for more than two years, and one of my best memories is of a small hotelier at a seaside resort. He checked you in; he cooked; he did the landscaping at night; he did all the maintenance during the day. I asked him why he didn't hire more help, since his hotel wasn't all that small and he seemed to be going 24/7. What followed was a harangue about the cost of hiring a permanent worker in Greece, the difficulty of ever firing him if he proved worthless, and why he preferred to do everything himself rather than fill out all sorts of forms and hire unmotivated but tenured employees. Besides, he said, almost everyone was on some sort of pension, disability, or government benefit, and was unwilling to work, so his choices were either illegal immigrants or broke foreign students. Then he launched into a blast against socialism, and explained how he was forced to become an expert tax dodger, how he would barter for all the transactions he could, and why he hated the government. He finished by sighing that in Greece, the people spend their time either devising ways to get government money or scheming to avoid the tax collectors — or, preferably, both.


  1. Sí. Me hace acordar a todos los países del mundo a los que le va como le va a Grecia. El mío de origen, entre ellos.

  2. En dos palabras, justicia social.

  3. Las maravillas del estado de bienestar.

  4. Dénle tiempo, quizás termine funcionando... Hay que tener fé.

  5. Hasta qué punto lo de la UE es una ficción.


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