Feb 1, 2010

Los haitianos le suplican a EEUU que se haga cargo del país.

Si saben lo que les conviene, los norteamericanos deberían huir despavoridos a la primera oportunidad.


  1. Added Canga Matthieu, a medical student whose school was destroyed: "The American government should take care of us."

    "They're well organized. The United States is the richest country in the world, and they can help."

    Textual sacado de Atlas Shrugged...

  2. "The American government should take care of us."

    "They're well organized. The United States is the richest country in the world, and they can help."

    No son tontos. ¡Qué raro que no le hayan pedido a Cuba!

  3. Al final del artículo hay una fe de erratas.

    Donde dice:

    The American government should take care of us."

    "They're well organized. The United States is the richest country in the world, and they can help."

    Debe decir:

    The Cuban government should take care of us."

    "They're well organized. Cuba is the most dignified country in the world, and they can help."

  4. Pobres diablos, te das cuenta que no tienen chance.

  5. Max, eso se podría decir también de los argentinos.

  6. Blogo, es una racionalización coherente, pero no estamos igual que Haití.

  7. Venezuela es más rica que Cuba, que se haga cargo Chávez.


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