Feb 12, 2010

Obama y su empeño en ser un presidente de un término

Peggy Noonan:

When FDR followed the disaster that was Herbert Hoover, he took a new and different path. The government would now hold a new place in the daily American reality. When Ronald Reagan followed the disaster that was Jimmy Carter, he took a new and different path. The federal government would be pushed back from its intrusions on Americans. But when Barack Obama took over after the disaster that was George W. Bush, he did not, in terms of the most pressing domestic issue after unemployment, take a new and different path. He spent, just like Mr. Bush, only even more. It was as if he were saying, "You think Bush broke the bank? I'll show you what a broken bank looks like." This isn't a departure, it's a doubling down.


  1. Yo sigo sin entender cómo alguien puede creer que la salida de una crisis por exceso de gasto y endeudamiento pasa por más gasto y más endeudamiento.

  2. Interesante artículo sobre la "herencia" de Bush que recibió Obama, y la que recibió Bush de Clinton. (in english)


  3. Según Murray Rothbard en su libro American Great Depression, FDR hizo más de lo mismo que Hoover, y promovió además políticas que profundizaron la crisis del 29 y la prolongaron por toda la década del 30. Si las fundamentaciones de MR son válidas (el libro es extenso y muy detallado), la frase de Peggy Noonan: "When FDR followed the disaster that was Herbert Hoover, he took a new and different path", me parece desafortunada.


  4. Perdón, me corrijo, el libro de MR se titula America's Great Depression.



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