Apr 15, 2010

Somos Ovejas, definitivamente

Nuestro estimado Blogovido, un blogger de raza (merino lanar), se ha visto reivindicado con esta noticia :

Argentina criminals 'evade capture by dressing up as sheep'

Two Argentinean convicts who escaped from jail evaded capture after disguising themselves as sheep, it was claimed.

Maximiliano Pereyra and Ariel Diaz, who were jailed for robbery offences, dressed up as the animals after escaping from a maximum security jail in Argentina more than a week ago.

Pereyra, 25, and Diaz, 28, dressed in full sheepskin fleeces with realistic looking heads as they tried to evade capture, The Sun reported.

They had stolen the sheep hides from a local ranch, it was claimed. They used their disguises to fool officials for more than a week despite
more than 300 members of the local constabulary searching for them.

The local police have been left embarrassed by the episode after locals reported seeing the pair running through local fields at night.

"They were wearing grey clothes but had full sheepskins, including the sheeps' heads, over their heads and backs,” said a farmworker at La Almeda.

Nadie vio nada, los disfrazados se mimetizaron entre la población argenta y pasaron absolutamente desapercibidos.


  1. Pero las ovejas argentinas son estúpidas, estas son falsas ovejas, son vivos.


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