May 14, 2010

“A project constructed upon a moral cesspit”

No se pierdan esta descripción de los tejes y manejes del gobierno de Brown y los laboristas para quedarse en el poder en GB.

Como dice Massa, de no ser por los varios siglos de ventaja republicana que le llevan a Argentina, se podrían hacer muchos paralelismos con el proyecto progresista del Néstor y su banda.

Por qué será que la izquierda invariablemente cae en este tipo de abusos. La pregunta es la misma que para Argentina, cómo se vuelve de todo esto:

Despite its record of fiscal incompetence, constitutional vandalism and disregard for Middle England, Gordon Brown's administration ought never to have collapsed. It had, after all, created for itself a client class of supplicant voters. As part of a grand plan for permanent office, more than one million immigrants were handed British passports (80 per cent of first-generation arrivals vote Labour) and 900,000 workers added to the public-sector payroll.

More pernicious still, Mr Brown and his ministers were delighted to overlook a grotesque distortion in the make-up of parliamentary boundaries, which meant that a 30 per cent vote for Labour produced about 300 seats, whereas the same percentage for the Conservatives delivered only 200 seats. In short, just about everything that could have been done to bend the system in New Labour's favour was in place by the time the election was called.

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