May 11, 2010

Tengo la sensación muy fuerte

De que muchos de los que proponen reemplazar al sistema presidencialista por uno parlamentario como la panacea para todos los problemas del país no tienen una idea demasiado clara de lo que hablan.

Para colmo, en muchos casos son los mismos que otorgan una importancia enorme a la elección directa de los funcionarios e inmediatamente hablan de "fraude" ante el funcionamiento normal de mecanismos como el colegio electoral:

Meanwhile, the party that won the most seats throughout the UK, and a clear majority in England, will be entirely excluded. And possibly in perpetuity — since the deal the LibDems are angling for from Labour is one that would change Britain's electoral system to something "fairer" (i.e., more beneficial to them). The various Scots, Ulster, and Welsh parties may yet have some "fairness" in the game, too.

So much for those Yank-style televised leaders' debates only a couple weeks back. Instead, Britain will end up with a leader who didn't participate in the leaders' debates, presiding over a coalition that wasn't on the ballot, implementing a platform no party ran on, yet committed to transformative electoral reform for which there is no mandate.

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