Jun 1, 2010

Cinco escenarios

Para una guerra en Corea. Espero que no arda Troya.

En 2001 visité la DMZ y el monumento y museo a los caídos en la Guerra de Corea. Las tropas norcoreanas están a minutos en auto de Seúl:

The White House betting is that the latest crisis, stemming from the March attack, will also abate without much escalation. But there is more than a tinge of doubt. The big risk, as always, is what happens if the North Koreans make a major miscalculation. (It wouldn’t be their first. Sixty years ago, Mr. Kim’s father, Kim Il-sung, thought the West wouldn’t fight when he invaded the South. The result was the Korean War.)

What’s more, the dynamic does feel different from recent crises. The South has a hardline government whose first instinct was to cut off aid to the North, not offer it new bribes. At the same time, the North is going through a murky, ill-understood succession crisis.

1 comment:

  1. los comunistas son unos enfermos.

    Son bravucones, que siempre andan con delirios de guerras, de luchas y riñas.

    Otra cosa no saben hacer, solo saben robar, y para robar hay que pelear (luchar).


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