Jun 25, 2010

Eramos pocos

La Argentina, país generoso de puertas abiertas.

To improve Syria's image on the international stage and strengthen economic ties, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has set out on a landmark tour to Latin America Friday, AFP reported.

Assad will visit the region for the first time on a tour that will begin in Venezuela and continue with visits to Brazil and
Argentina, all countries with large Syrian expat communities, as well as Cuba. [...]

Syria will also sign
transportation, tourism and cultural agreements with Argentina, a senior official at the Argentine embassy in Damascus told AFP.

Como dice Luis, la manía de quedar pegado a cuanto sátrapa ande por ahí.


  1. ¿Cómo, y en el campo de la cooperación terrorista no firman nada?

  2. che, que Siria es uno de los paises que nos compran yerba


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