Jun 1, 2010

Yo creo que el Profesor Jacobson

Tiene razón cuando dice que esto de la “flotilla” es un acto político y que lo de la “ayuda humanitaria” es meramente una excusa. Sería preferible que se saquen la careta y que digan las cosas de frente:

Shapiro was right to the extent that he recognizes the blockade as political, and the flotilla's purpose primarily as political. The shipping of humanitarian supplies merely was the excuse and the tactic.

Much like the internationalists who have aligned themselves with Islamists on the West Bank to protest the barrier built by Israel to stop suicide bombers, the goal is the destruction of Israel.

Whatever it takes they will do, and it if means putting civilians in harms way to gain publicity and international condemnation of Israel, they will do that.


  1. y el timing? justo en la semana en que Netanyahu visita a The O

  2. tiren todo: se divorcia Al Gore...que pasara con la casita que se compraron hace un tiempito?


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