Aug 16, 2010

China se convierte en la segunda economía del mundo

Después de la de EEUU, al superar a la de Japón por unos cuantos miles de millones de dólares.

Espero que las estadísticas chinas sean más confiables que las de la ex Unión Soviética, que hasta la década del 80 estaba en la misma posición que la china, y superaba a EEUU en cualquier momento:

China is home, after all, to one-fifth of mankind. Its population of 1,330 million is more than 10 times that of Japan (127 million) and more than four times that of the United States (310 million), according to the CIA Factbook. So even though China’s gross domestic product is now larger than Japan’s, its GDP per capita is still only one tenth that of its east Asian neighbor.

If China sticks to its path of market liberalization, it’s close to inevitable that its GDP economy will eventually surpass that of the United States in overall size. That news event is likely to grab headlines in 15 to 20 years based on current rates of growth. Even then, China’s per capita GDP will only be a quarter of what we enjoy in the United States.

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