Aug 10, 2010

Donde hay un mango ?

Del facebook de GWB :

President Bush arrived in Haiti this morning. During a visit with mango farmers, he said, “Our goal is to help this society go from one that is dependent on aid to one that can grow its way to prosperity.” A grant from the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund will benefit an initial group of up to 5,000 mango farmers and their families. We hope this model will help transform the entire mango sector, increase exports and incomes, and ultimately benefit 25,000 mango farming families in Haiti.

Todas mentiras ! Ya sabemos (gracias a Galeano) que lo único que busca Bush es comer mangos gratis en su postre, y que los granjeros haitianos estarían mucho mejor comiendo raíces y recibiendo welfare.

"Crecer hacia la prosperidad", donde se ha visto... Para que estos haitianos sacrifiquen así la dignidad, era preferible que hubiesen muerto en el terremoto.


  1. ¿”Help this society go from one that is dependent on aid to one that can grow its way to prosperity”?

    ¿No te digo que son unos ultra reaccionarios?

  2. No tengo un mango.

    (Fdo. Tupperware)


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