Mikkel Stolt is a troubled and unsuccessful documentary filmmaker, who decides to create a new identity, and join the pioneers and settlers in the virtual world “Second Life” on the other side of his computer screen. He chooses the name Mike Proud for his “avatar” and starts off with a typical off-the-shelf standard body.
Shortly after his arrival, a mysterious and influential woman named Helena picks him up and takes him under her wing. Helena gives Mike a complete makeover, and turns him into a sophisticated avatar, equipped with all the animations he needs to interact with the most advanced users of Second Life. Mikkel is very attracted to Helena, and extremely curious to find out more about her, but she refuses to meet him in real life and her true identity remains a mystery. [...]
Hay varios teasers en Vimeo, pero yo los conozco a ustedes, queridos lectores, sé que lo único que les interesa son las escenas picantes de sexo virtual. Ahí va el teaser puerquito (ojo, aunque virtual, sigue siendo NSFW)
Qué chancho.