Oct 13, 2010

Ninguna de las críticas que leí hasta ahora al premio Nobel a Don Mario tiene que ver con su obra literaria

Que es, casualmente, por lo que se lo dieron.

Todos los ataques de la izquierda pasan por su ideología. Por lo menos son honestos, les molesta mucho que se haya roto la tradición de premiar casi exclusivamente a escritores de izquierda:

People who never voiced any concerns about the politics of other Nobel Prize winners – like Wisława Szymborska, who wrote poetic celebrations of Lenin and Stalin; Günter Grass, who praised Cuba’s dictatorship; Harold Pinter, who supported Slobodan Milošević; José Saramago, who purged anti-Stalinists from the revolutionary newspaper he edited – thought that the Swedish Academy had finally crossed a line. Mario Vargas Llosa’s politics apparently should have disqualified him from any prize considerations. He is after all a classical liberal in the tradition of John Locke and Adam Smith.

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